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Reiki Healing

  • Reduces stress, tension and anxiety
  • Releases toxins
  • Helps relieve aches and pains
  • Removes energy blockages, helping the body to re-balance itself
  • Supports the immune system
  • Promotes clearer and positive thinking

Reiki is an ancient healing method, over a thousand years old. The founder of the Reiki healing system was Dr Usui. Reiki is a safe, non-intrusive healing that naturally allows the body to rebalance itself and release blocked energy. It works on all aspects of our being – mind, body, emotions and spirit. Reiki is pronounced (Ray-key) it means Universal Life Force Energy.

During a treatment the client is fully clothed and either lie on a therapy couch or sit in a chair if they prefer. There may or may not be actual touch as the Reiki energy can be transmitted with the hands held above the body. Sometimes during a treatment a client may sense warmth or tingling and other clients may not sense anything…we are all different and the Reiki will work at a level that suits you. However most clients feel a sense of well-being and deep relaxation after a treatment.

(My Reiki Practice has been verified by the Reiki Guild)

Learn Reiki

Reiki is easy to learn. It is for those wishing to develop their own spiritual journey. Reiki will work on all levels of your being – emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically.

Once you learn Reiki it is with you always, helping guide you on your spiritual journey.

Reiki is taught on three levels with Reiki Masters being split into two sections. The levels are referred to Level 1, 2 and 3 or Reiki First Degree, Second Degree and Third Degree. During each of the levels you have an attunement which then allows you to become a ‘channel’.


The Reiki Courses will take place in Blackfordby, which is nearby to Swadlincote & Ashby.

Upcoming Workshops

First Degree

Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th November 2024

Second Degree

Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th December 2024

First Degree

Course Includes:

  • The history of Reiki
  • How Reiki works and what it can be
    used for
  • The Reiki Principles
    Grounding Techniques
  • Learn about the Chakra energy centres
  • Meditation for Self-Healing
  • The 21 day Clearing Process

(this also includes training guide, certificate on completion of the course and ongoing support)

The First Degree is an introduction to Reiki using Usui System. It is for Self Healing, opening the energy centres (chakras) and connecting with the Universal Life Energy. During the First Degree you will receive four attunements. The First Degree is taught over 2 days. Once completed you will be able to do self healing and practice on family and friends.

Second Degree

Course Includes:

  • Learning the Reiki Symbols
  • Mantra’s for each Symbol
  • Cleansing the workspace
  • Sending Distant Healing and how to
    use it
  • Chakra’s and aura’s
  • How to run a Reiki Practice
  • Attunements

(Includes training guide, certificate on completion of 4 case studies and ongoing support)

The Reiki Second Degree is to further your spiritual journey. It allows you to have a deeper connection to the Reiki. As well as treating yourself and others, you will be taught how to send Distant Healing – which is quite amazing to be able to connect to anyone or any situation where ever it may be. In this degree there are two attunements. You will learn symbols and mantra’s to deepen your connection to the Reiki energy. The Second Degree is also known as The Practitioner Level as you will be able to treat others professionally, if you so wish.

Third Degree  (Reiki Master Practitioner)

Course Includes:

  • Review of Levels 1 & 2
  • Your Reiki journey so far
  • Learning about the Master symbol and
    its uses
  • Master Symbol Attunement

(Includes Master Attunement, certificate on completion of 4 case studies, training guide and ongoing support)

Reiki Third Degree is a more powerful healing system, taking you to a deeper level of connection and commitment. It is ideal if you have been practising Reiki for some time. Reiki Third Degree is split into two parts; as not everyone wishes to make the commitment to teaching others. The first part you will gain further healing techniques. There will be time spent during the course to go over the previous levels and time to practice giving a Reiki treatment. You will learn about the Master symbol and how it can be used as well as having the Master Symbol Attunement. This part is studied over 2 days.

Reiki Master Teacher Training

This is for anyone who wishes to teach others Reiki. It is not only a commitment but a way of life. You will learn how to teach the symbols and how to perform the attunements. There will be time spent learning how to set up your own Reiki Practice, marketing and much more. The Reiki Master Teacher Training will take place over a period of time, with plenty of practice to make sure you are ready to teacher others the wonderful world of Reiki. Please contact me for more details.

Usui Reiki Master Lineage

  • Dr Mikao Usui
  • Dr Chujiro Hayashi
  • Mrs Hawayo Takata
  • Phyllis Lei Furumoto
  • William Lee Rand
  • Carol Sargent
  • Sue Orchard
  • Jilly Parsons

Five Reiki Principles as a guide for a happy, healthy and meaningful life

Just for today, do not worry

Just for today, do not anger

Just for today, be grateful

Just for today, do an honest day’s work

Just for today, be kind to all living things

Dr Usui